I'm Abir Sait, born on 11th July 1997.
Self-motivated Full Stack Web Developer and Computer Scientist, based in Jeddah, K.S.A, that
can help contribute to your profitability. A quick learner who is looking
for the right opportunity to prove herself preferably as a junior
back-end developer.I spend most of my leisure time learning to code efficiently.
Reading has been my passion since I can remember.
I like to read fiction novels the most. I won't say I read
too many books, but I read all the books around
me when I'm too tired of coding and my mind needs a break.
I learnt coding mostly through experiments,
usually breaking down professional codes and
tweaking the software just to add my touch.
I've been told by those around me that I've
got artistic skills but I'm too busy with other
passions to have time for this one ;). Regardless,
I do sketch from time to time for a change.
The size of the bubble indicates how good I am at that skill
I completed my Bachelor's of Science in Computer Science on May 2018 with a first class degree from Alagappa University, India. Main subjects included Data structures, RDBMS and Internet Programming. Final project was based on front-end HTML/CSS one page webpage.
September 2015 - May 2018
Later the same year I completed Full-Stack Web Developer Nanodegree from Udacity, an intense 3 months course from October - December 2018. The programme consisted of 3 main projects to graduate. Major project was based on Python framework Flask.
October 2018 - December 2018
An application that provides a list of items within a variety of categories as well as provide a user registration and authentication system. Created using Python ~2.7 for back-end, html, css and bootstrap framework for front-end
Check out the source code below.
One page webpage made with HTML, Bootstrap framework, jQuery and
various JS libraries and plugins. This was my final project at university. Added a few libraries to modify the look.
Check out the source code below.
A CMS that allows admins to create, update, edit and delete posts. Admin
dashboard provides full access over users activities.
Check out the source code below
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